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Video Gallery

Here are some short videos of Carlos in public and private performances.  Click below to view.

Note: A fast network connection is highly recommended; with limited bandwidth these videos will be of poor quality or will not work.  Suggestion: if you get disjointed video, click on the pause button that appears near the lower left hand corner of the movie, wait for more of the movie to be downloaded to your machine (the slider bar across the bottom shows the progress), and then click on the play button.

"Legend of the Malagueña"

"Amazing Grace" (with Steve Miller Band)

"Amazing Grace" (Part 2)

"Dance, Dance, Dance" (with Steve Miller Band)

"Nature Boy" (with Steve Miller)

"When Children Play (with Carlos's band)"

"I Wish"

"Over the Rainbow"

Blues Jam with John Handy

Carlos playing in Cuba (click to play)

Carlos in

 Note: videos on this page are Copyright 2010, please contact the webmaster at carlosreyesmusic.com for permission to copy or publish.